
vrijdag 27 februari 2015

Another little finish, a new start and a little haul

hello readers...

It´s a lovely friday here, with sunshine and a clean house hihi!! Have just clean every room down stairs. Love it, so fresh now...
You will see when I come home tonight at 22h you see anything from it, because of the dogs and rain they predicted for today. 
But well that is the down side of having three dogs hihi!!

Today I can show you a cute popcorn finish, don´t now the details, because I putt it away upstairs and I am to lazy now to get it!!! Uhm sorry!!

Well here it is:
before BS


Now a wash and a frame for the three pieces I have finished this year.

I bought this kit also by Anneleen Brants from het borduurbloempje, so thanks Anneleen love every moment of it. Three done, 2 to go and I have all the little ones done.... Maybe next month a new one.

Now I have started Beagle again...

I didn´t take out what I already had done, maybe it´s right???
I can hope hihi!!

But for being honest I hate this work...
Well not the pattern, but the wool...
But have to do it don´t I...???


But hopefully worth it at the end...

My Haul of this week....

- Logische kleuren en tekenen { drawing book}
- another drawing book with zentangles and more
- Borduurblad, A cross stitch magazine from the Netherlands
and as last the cross stitcher with a free kit

A lot to do and so little time...

But now up to the friday stitch till I most go to work and in the weekend I stitch on my BAP again.

Have a lovely weekend


zondag 22 februari 2015

A little progress ...

Hello there...

I hope that you have a nice sunday.

I have a little bit of progress to show for today, I didn't go to the carnival in our town.
But my lovely wife did. So it´s really quit here in the house with just me and my three doggies.
So I can stitch as much as I wanted!!

Well here is my progress: 

and now!! at 18.00h

This is all of the progress I have made from friday till now sunday 18h, so I can do a  little bit more because tomorrow I most work late { 14/22h} and then I go back to the valentine stitching hihi!!
When this popcorn piece is finished I must wash all three the pieces and frame them { most buy a frame for the latest popcorn piece, want a cute square frame in a white colour I think.} ThenI go back the Beagles and get all of it out and do gridding it and start again.

It´s not so much that is done so!!

Well that is it for this week, back to stitching!!

Have a lovely evening and a good work/stitching week


vrijdag 20 februari 2015

I have a LITTLE finish haha!!

How can I do that?


Well in my previous post you cab read that I wanted to finish the sweet girly bear!!

Well I did!!!

Isn't she the cutest????

Of course every body who makes these cuties to can see my mistake!!
on the right leg the heart is not good in shape!!
I most take care for that, when I notice that I have enough thread for making my mistake looking fab!!
Of course the BS is not done, because on the side of her comes her boyfriend hihi!!

Well on weekends I work on BAPS, so this will day 4 and monday will day 5

On to the married couple again, the last time I was here!!
as off today...

have a nice weekend, we have it busy
tomorrow we clean up the sleeping rooms and bureau, than we go eating hopefully a nice steak with fries by the football, they do a money collection for the cross, a boy of work is a crosser and so we support him for doing a good year.

Than we go home and I go do my hobby haha!!
I hope!!

On sunday my wife wants that I go to the carnival on our town.
So maybe I do that.
But I most do it easy, because I was sick for a week and I don´t wanted to be it again!!
I had a stomach inflammation, auwie!!
With medication it goes well now, but I have it a lot!!
I think 3 a 4 time´s a year!!

But monday back to work!!

well have a nice stitching weekend and a lovely carnival if you celebrate that in your country


a new start and a haul


I have a another new start

popcorn bear
happy valentine
13 by 11 cm
16 count aida
18 colours
start date: 

as it was on Day 2

As it was on Day 3

today I will try to make the lady bear finished.
but I am sick at home from work and sleep a lot and have not so much willingness to do a lot of stitching


I have bought all this by borduurbloempje

-a marker pen
- one colour floss
- a box
- three bobbin package
and a a thread holder for my big BAPS

that was it!!! hihi!!
I think that I have bought enough for some while because my wife isn't really happy with me.

my sweetest pic for this post

he wanted attention!!

well he get it of course haha!!

that was all for now


maandag 16 februari 2015

A new finish and back to the marriage couple

Hello every on

A specially thanks for those who recommended on my blog, thank you verry much!!

I hope that you all not make the same stupid mistake like I did haha!! He was indeed freaky, on work I break my head about it, didn´t like it!! Ask my wife on a sms if she likes it, OF COURSE she didn´t dare to say NO haha!! But she like the not creepy one more, pff!! But I like the before and after one!!

From disaster and head breaker, to TO CUTE... It lays on the kitchen for waiting to ironing it, after I have shown the cutie to my wife haha!!

But I have another cute finish....

popcorn the bear 
10 by 11 cm
16 count aida.
start date: 20/01.2015
finish date: 16/02/2015
with waiting of 9 days for extra thread

So that makes 2 finishes till now for this year.

last year I had just one, but that was a BAP

my little sis...
kyliana with 6 weeks...
I´m really proud of this one, but have not yet washed it and frame it!!

My other BAP { Big ass project} is the Marriage...

Love this one, it´s a easy stitch...

From sat till now I have only done this little bit!!!
I most shame my self hihi!!
But I was { I am} sick { catch a cold} and my chest hurts from coughing, Saturday I suddenly can not walk from all the pain in my legs and ankles, so sour!! that was my body´s reaction to the illness, that comes from the fibromyalgia.
But that is better now, and luckily I had a long weekend because of carnicval

An finally we have our wedding photo hanging on the wall.
The nicest pic of this weekend...
It´s on wood.   

Beagle is laid down for dome days, till I have my fabric pen.
So I can grid, so I see what I am doing,

Then I will start on the left corner,It´s easier I think

have a lovely workweek/ stitching week

vrijdag 13 februari 2015

a finish, a haul { mini} and a new start

Hello everybody 

There was a lot of stitching on this side this time...

I have a little finish, the squirrel is DONE!!

So cute and love to stitch it up!!! For three days it was the only one I touch!!

the front!!

A start day 1

He is freeky, have make a big mistake with 
the nr´s 16 and 18, Must take all out, day 2

And now he´s adorable hihi!!

cuty on day 3


the front side....
So cute

This pup is the first to stitch up

Day 1

And all of the yarn that comes with it


zondag 8 februari 2015

what´s NEW AGAIN!!!

Hello dear readers...

A lot of FUN this weekend...


I stitch a Page FINISH on the married couple

as of today

I mis one colour, but I do that when I finish the other page...
I am going to do the whole row of this work and switch than to the doggies patroon.

And I have my Frame....

We build it together...

And voila, there it is with my current wip...

I try out how I can stretch it, but it´s not working...

ButI have more ...

I bought this to...

Love this patroon of Wolves 3D...

And a tiny cutie...

Here Am I

Loving my HOBBY!!

Other things buying today on the market in Leopoldsburg zwarte markt 

A bag of fresh vegetables and fruits

A lovely doggie saying for in the kitchen

New shoes, pens for cross stitching, a new cross stitch and schinks for the dogs  

We have a beautiful Beagle, so when I saw this, I must have it of course

here he is  haha!! With his snack

Raico loves his snack

Of course our yenzo loves it to!!

And then I get to work...

I must cut out all of these 

And of course, you now me... All for the freezer { except the fruits and union}

Left to right
soup vegetables { the quality was not the best, but for in the soup is it good enough, we pait 10€ for all in the basket so a good deal}
in the soup vegetables where carrots, leek an mushrooms
then we have lettuce, white cabbage and red cabbage and you see some chicory

A lot of work, but all worth it...
The freezer is full now, so the next 3 months no buying anymore haha!!  

My precious boy looks iff there falls something interesting, not knowing it is vegetables haha!!

and my stitching spot!!

for my BAPS

and tiny wips haha!!

A beautiful wip with a page finish

and a tiny wip, my new start the squirrel...
A lovely stitch.

from Marjolein Bastin collections
14 by 19 cm 
14 count cotton, I think evenweave, but not knowing for sure
18 colours
Start date: 8/2/2015  

Well  that was all, on to a work week.
I have the 14/22 week, so not much stitching, but I hope to have the squirrel finished
