
vrijdag 20 februari 2015

a new start and a haul


I have a another new start

popcorn bear
happy valentine
13 by 11 cm
16 count aida
18 colours
start date: 

as it was on Day 2

As it was on Day 3

today I will try to make the lady bear finished.
but I am sick at home from work and sleep a lot and have not so much willingness to do a lot of stitching


I have bought all this by borduurbloempje

-a marker pen
- one colour floss
- a box
- three bobbin package
and a a thread holder for my big BAPS

that was it!!! hihi!!
I think that I have bought enough for some while because my wife isn't really happy with me.

my sweetest pic for this post

he wanted attention!!

well he get it of course haha!!

that was all for now


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