
zondag 25 januari 2015

cooking on the new stove, just lovely!!

for those who like cooking also
here are some of our creations of the past days

broccoli with tomatoes  

what goes in it?
minced meat
union and

this was for in the freezer { yes again hihi!!}
green union
asperge green
brown champignons and

everything is ready..
I have cooked the broccoli, chopped everything that was needed, baked the union and champignons and the meat, the tomatoes goes with it, then the broccoli and sauce with water mixed { from the package} and I have instant puree for ones...

and we have a lovely diner the friday
 For the doggies...

some rice with ...

fresh carrot { boiled with the rice} 

and some meat for the boys, there favo´s chicken lever and chicken heart... 

That´s my view for a Half our when the dinner is becoming a little bit colder 
Isn´t it sweet

Then we eat today a lovely meal

chicory { witloof} with ham and cheese

everything ready for beginning

I cook the chicory with one melon, but not all done, because it´s going in to the oven...

when done I roll them in the ham, do the saus where I have green union, peterselie and ham added to
over the chicory, with two boiled eggs and a lot of  cheese

this is going in the oven for 30 minutes on 125 and 5 min for 175

I bake some meat and do that in the oven also, just a little bit baked
and then making it in to the oven for a lovely juicy piece of meat 

and this is the result...
It looks jummy and it was delicious...

and that with some lovely puree from potatoes fresh with a little bit of milk, butter, nutmeg, pepper and salt

that was it for this week
hope you have some lovely meals between your stitching to...


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