
vrijdag 28 november 2014

update from 25/11 to 28/11 of 2014

Hello there!!!

Yes I now it´s not tomorrow, I am just a lousy blogger hihi!!

But I did not do so much on my day of!! Not a lot of stitching,not a lot of cleaning!! But a lot of sleeping!! I have a couple of bad days of my fibromyalgia...

but I did this on my day of:
a lot of dishes, jak!!

and of course the ironing 

my dog shows that I have done my work!!
really love this cute boy! 

bake some meaut, jummie chicken!!

and have done the dishes and go back to watch the inner eye again!!

Following with two days of work and all of this:

We get our tile and everything!! Now we are going to make the house 
beautiful { well not I, but a colleague of mine}  

Whe had our chape

and it´s looking really good!

bought a cute babyboy outfit, for the baby of a old friend
Darco loves it to hihi!!

Darco our patient, is doing really well.. You almost don´t see anything of the surgery anymore...

sweet beagle boy!!

And A new START hihi!!


I have it for a while now, It is from Orcraphics x cros Stitch x
Titel: sweet as honey
17 X 17 cm
14 count aida
17 colours...
Starting date: 26/11/2014

Buying stuff?


The crosstitcher of this month with a cute tag crosstich

Well that was all for these days...

This weekend we doing a lot, cleaning the bedroom, craftroom, 
looking at the work of my colleague who does the bathroom in the first week.
going to two party´s, a friend who turns 50 { a winter bbq} and the same colleague who turnt 40 cat´s a 
surprise party...

So a little busy!!!

Well go to stitch some bunny again...
have a nice weekend!!

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