
donderdag 5 februari 2015

what´s new????

hello dear stitchy friends....

I couldn't help my self yesterday, Oh!!! I bought ANOTHER book... OOPS!!

love it!!! But now I have not the need of colouring, again a OOPS!!
Because why bought just another one than???
I don´t now!!! I can´t help my self!!! hihi!!

This one is my favorit.

This books has a lot of new designs of drawing!!
In the weekend I go colouring I think, because tomorrow is the birthday of my wife and saturday I can go and get my stand, so maybe  { I think for sure} I wanted just to stitch whole day sunday!! We will see, but LOVE the books, brings my total of adult colouring books at 5.

On stitching front I am nearly dear....
before { Wednesday}

Like it is before I go stitch today...
Have a lot done yesterday....

So close....
I think I can make it before saturday the stand comes, maybe I go further with it still, so I have a row finish and then go further on Love of my life... We will sé!!

Well have all a good night and lot of stitching time... 

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