
vrijdag 20 februari 2015

I have a LITTLE finish haha!!

How can I do that?


Well in my previous post you cab read that I wanted to finish the sweet girly bear!!

Well I did!!!

Isn't she the cutest????

Of course every body who makes these cuties to can see my mistake!!
on the right leg the heart is not good in shape!!
I most take care for that, when I notice that I have enough thread for making my mistake looking fab!!
Of course the BS is not done, because on the side of her comes her boyfriend hihi!!

Well on weekends I work on BAPS, so this will day 4 and monday will day 5

On to the married couple again, the last time I was here!!
as off today...

have a nice weekend, we have it busy
tomorrow we clean up the sleeping rooms and bureau, than we go eating hopefully a nice steak with fries by the football, they do a money collection for the cross, a boy of work is a crosser and so we support him for doing a good year.

Than we go home and I go do my hobby haha!!
I hope!!

On sunday my wife wants that I go to the carnival on our town.
So maybe I do that.
But I most do it easy, because I was sick for a week and I don´t wanted to be it again!!
I had a stomach inflammation, auwie!!
With medication it goes well now, but I have it a lot!!
I think 3 a 4 time´s a year!!

But monday back to work!!

well have a nice stitching weekend and a lovely carnival if you celebrate that in your country


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