
zondag 12 april 2015

Nothing done...

Hello ....

I wish every body a happy sunday, here in belgium it´s beautiful weather, about a 15 °C and sunny.

But about crossstiching nothing to say, I have really nothing done about the last 4 weeks...

I now it´s a shame, and my wife is complying to about here parents work. It is going to be about time that they hang on the wall, she say!! Hihi!! It´s threw!!  I work about them 1.5 year now, so they most be done fast, but it´s a year work for the rest and in this time with no working about it....

On the other side I have not sitting still...

My first scrapbooking page is done...

And lot´s off drawing...

Well that was all... till the next time...


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