
zondag 29 maart 2015

long time ago!!!

Finally a post from me again!!

I have being sick for over a week...

I have a stop on my crosstitching I think!!  Have done almost nothing for this month...

One color is done, but I most do some more this week, because this is absurd... So little stitching in a month... I most be in shame...

I promise to do better next month.


donderdag 19 maart 2015

de aangevraagde link

hallo iedereen, hier is de nederlandse blog over kleuren voor volwassen van borduurbloemfan                                                                 borduurbloemfan kleurt ook

kleurplaat van www


dinsdag 17 maart 2015

nieuwe blog geopend in het nederlands.... kleuren voor volwassenen.... { new blog colouring for adults by borduurbloemfan

Hello there....

I have started a new blog in dutch, about coloring for adults...

So I don´t have to share it here any more, and only my stitching is a part of this blog...

Hope to see you there, lot of pics, but in dutch!!


zondag 15 maart 2015

even in het nederlands een verwijzing naar een mooie aangrijpbare consuminderings blog

Eenvoudig Leven: Abonneren: Wie zich wil abonneren op de berichtjes van deze blog kan zich via de onderste knop in de rechterkolom opgeven per e-mail.

Ik heb een zwak voor dit prachtig lezende blog van eenvoudig leven...

Deze vrouw heeft een mooi vol leven met haar man en vele kinderen...
Steekwoorden voor deze blog zijn:
groot gezin
eenvoudig leven
genieten van huis en tuin
bijen houden
koken en nog zo veel meer...

ik heb de hele blog gelezen en ben nu eindelijk er achter gekomen dat je er ook op kunt abboneren, dus rap gedaan, want ik wil niets missen... echt de moeite om te volgen.

Een mooi leven van trotse ouders die aan consuminderen doen


a little haul { yep again!!} a tiny bit of stitching and a couple of pages colouring { pic heavy post}


A good sunday for everybody ...

I must confess ... I can't stand it that I don't own a coloring book that I now of existing hihi!!

So I bought 4 new ones, my total is now 34 colouring books en I am drawing in 2 of theme.

I have bought the four in the bookstore, I have seen a couple more there that I don't own yet { Oh why are I not a miljonair????} But it´s a good thing to save up money for later haha!!
I have a wishlist on the page of this store, a lot of books and colouring books in that wishlist.
On the end of the blog I will share some of my wishes...

Helen ward
Into the nature

Colouring book for adults on travel 

Puur nature
creative colours, art therapy without stress

Maybe next week a couple more, because I now there are more out there...
Oh what a shame, no I not going to do that because on have I bid on 3 things, two scrapbook Anne Geddes and one big lot for paper craft...
More of that later... 

Also I bought these cuties...
Little stickers, just for the fun.

On stitching front: I am a bad person again....
For a week now I have almost nothing to share, because I don´t feel like stitching...
So I started the Pattern of my dogs again, a new start will make me happy again I hope!!

A big BAP...

look carefully hihi!!

Because that is all I have done today!!

I have a little bit of a pain in my left shoulder, so I must be careful...
Sometimes { no that´s not true, ALWAYS} I go over the pain border and then I have more pain!!
But I work fulltime, in the weekend my wife needs her attention so really a rest is not always possible
But that´s life with Fibromyalgia ...
Hopefully no Fibroland for me this time { pain for more than 2 days I call Fibroland hihi!! Just for making it easier in my mind...

But something else, more fun...

This are all the colours for page 1, unbelieveable ....   

I making:

love the pattern...

7 years old

3 years old

11 years old

made by borduurbloempje

love this...

All of the colours needed

- 100 cm by 40 cm
- 18 count aida
- 122 colours
- 48 pages
- started again on 15/03/2015
- Planned finish date 2017

Framing by ME...

I have wash them by hand...

And framed ...

I loved it, finally something framed, made by me!!
I am really proud!!

Colouring from the book
Anti stress

pencils from: DA VINCI

page 1 in progress

6 different colours used in the flower

Page 2 finished 14/03/2015

lot´s of colour....
was a fun page for drawing

Page 3 are fishes, lot´s of theme...
Each fish has two colours, and the back fishes 1 colour.

That was all....

And this are my kapaza findings that I want to buy:

this scrapbook for 5€

This scrapbook for 5€

And all of this for 50€

I am curious if I buy it or not!!

This is my wishlist on the bookstore

a story about wwII

again a book about the WW1

A little boy´s story...

A true story about the things that happened in Kabul

Colouring book

that was a heavy post, 

so I going to draw some more and then sleep time...
I have to work 5 days with the morning !!!

have a nice week


zondag 8 maart 2015

sleep over and a haul { again}

Hello there...

It´s a lovely sunday here in belgium. The sun is shining and a lovely 17 °C, no wind...
Really a lovely day,

But no stitching done this weekend, really nothing for showing to you guys.
It´s sad, really sad.
But I have a good reason for it, my sweet sister is coming for a sleep over.

breakfast this morning...
With egg and bacon
and some fruit en carrots
and of course thee and coffee

It´s always really fun to have her here, she is really sweet and loves to cross stitch and drawing.
She has drawn in her own book the whole weekend. Same as I haha!!

a bird is coming to live...

the deer is finished 

And I started this one, love it!!

My sister make also a pic, but didn't want me to show it before it was finished haha!!

Our sweet dogs


new life....


We went to ikea yesterday... love this shop

Pencils { for trying out}

books for making notes and tape

We bought also a lot of other stuff of course.

Like storage boxes, candles, enz.

Today I went with my little sister to the magazine store in our town.
And bought the following books that I didn't own yet.

love the themes, like taiwan, birds, easter enz

I want to show you my storage of crea stuff.
I have cleaned out this cabinet in my hobby room

You see cooking books, magazines of deagostino and books for reading
stickers, tapes, lint and cardstocking
Colouring books { 28} cardstock, 3D card making and tape
Colour pencils and the box from puzzle
and the stuff from my little sister

Here you see photo frames
empty box and glass
and new boxes from ikea

Here you see magazines, a book, photoframe of ikea, my threads from last year and the puzzle and frame of little sister

Here you see all of my cross stitch supplies.
Three kits from action
little ones, already make ones and bigger ones
Threads, threads from ebay
patterns of BAPS, books and patterns from Pinterest

That was all fro today, we going to cycle now to my sister in law, she does a garage sale.
Then tonight we go to a birthday party...

HAve you all a lovely sunday, enjoy the sun and happy cross stitching or crafting...
